Discover the Difference: Diocesan schools welcome hundreds of new students

by Diocese of Des Moines | August 24, 2023

Family is welcomed to a Catholic school

As we say farewell to the warm summer months and the autumn breeze starts to rustle the leaves, an unmistakable air of excitement and anticipation envelops the Diocese of Des Moines Catholic schools. Total enrollment across the diocese grew by more than 400 students compared to last year and the schools are abuzz with activity, new possibilities, and an overwhelming sense of growth and community. The 2023-2024 school year and this influx of young minds promise to enrich the educational experience for all students across the diocese.

A Flourishing Community

The Diocese of Des Moines Catholic schools have long been known for their commitment to academic excellence and holistic development. As the new school year dawns, the schools within the Diocese are more vibrant than ever, with a strong sense of community that fosters academic and spiritual growth. The increased enrollment speaks volumes about the trust parents and students have in the system, knowing that their children will receive a well-rounded education that prioritizes faith, character, and knowledge.

Teachers and administrators are excited to welcome new students into their classrooms, eager to share their passion for learning and dedication to nurturing each child's potential. The atmosphere is one of warmth, camaraderie, and support as returning students and staff extend open arms to welcome the newcomers.

Enhanced Opportunities

With the enrollment growth, the Diocese of Des Moines Catholic schools can now expand their offerings and enhance student opportunities. The increased resources allow for new programs, extracurricular activities, and equitable teacher pay. From STEM initiatives and art clubs to sports teams and community service projects, students have various choices to explore their interests and passions.

Even with this added enrollment, the Diocese of Des Moines works to empower its teachers to provide personalized attention to each student. This fosters a deeper connection between teachers and their students, creating an environment where questions are encouraged, talents are nurtured, and individual progress is valued. As a result, our schools are better equipped to prepare students for academic success, leadership roles, and responsible citizenship in the wider community.

Cultivating Diversity and Inclusion

The Diocese of Des Moines Catholic schools have always embraced diversity and sought to build inclusive communities where students from all backgrounds can flourish. This enrollment growth reflects the commitment of our diocesan schools to create an environment that celebrates individual differences and fosters mutual respect.

The addition of new students brings a wealth of cultural, ethnic, and experiential diversity that enriches the learning experience for everyone. This diversity allows students to learn from each other's unique perspectives, fostering empathy and understanding. It also equips them to thrive in a globalized world where diverse views and cultural awareness are increasingly crucial.

Building Lifelong Friendships

For many students, the new school year at the Diocese of Des Moines Catholic schools marks the beginning of lifelong friendships. As children from different neighborhoods and backgrounds come together, they form bonds that often last well beyond graduation. Our schools' focus on community service and character development fosters a sense of empathy and camaraderie among students.

Teachers and staff actively encourage a positive social environment where kindness, inclusivity, and teamwork are celebrated. From school-wide events to smaller classroom activities, students find ample opportunities to connect with their peers, creating memories that stay with them throughout their lives.

Learn More

With an unwavering commitment to academic excellence, spiritual growth, and inclusivity, the Diocese of Des Moines Catholic schools offer nurturing environments where young minds thrive and embark on a journey of discovery. With each year, the excitement of growth and renewal fills the air, propelling the schools into a bright and promising tomorrow.

We invite you to learn more and discover the Catholic school difference. Visit today to schedule a tour at any of our 16 schools across central and southwest Iowa.

The Diocese of Des Moines Catholic schools includes 16 schools in 23 counties in central and southwest Iowa. Catholic schools in the Des Moines Diocese build Christ-centered, collaborative, inclusive partnerships with parents, students, and parishes to provide innovative academic excellence and inspirational faith formation. 

Diocese of Des Moines

The Diocese of Des Moines, created in 1911, serves people over a 12,446 square mile area in the southwestern quadrant of Iowa, including 23 counties.