Mental Health Ministry

If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health, suicide, or substance use crisis, call or text 988 immediately. 

Mental Health Ministry vs. Mental Health Treatment

Psychiatry and mental health professionals have their place. Their tasks are different (although complementary) from the tasks of the Church. - “Hope and Healing”, California Conference of Bishops, 2018

Mental health ministry is not mental health treatment and is not intended to serve as a substitute for treatment or counseling with a qualified professional. Mental health ministers do not diagnose or treat mental illness, but spiritually accompany those experiencing mental health issues. They can also provide education about mental health to the larger parish community and promote the reduction of stigma surrounding mental illness.

Mental Health Ministry

  • Spiritual accompaniment with others as they experience God's presence, love, and healing.
  • Faith-based and God-centered without direct implementation of psychological interventions.
  • Provide spiritual and social support: a renewed sense of meaning and purpose, feeling rounded in faith or spiritual practice, and increased social connection as needed.

Mental Health Treatment

  • Accompaniment with a licensed professional through a mental health diagnosis.
  • Psychology-based treatment to address the symptoms and treat the disorder.
  • May involve multiple professionals to guide treatment and monitor medications.

Starting a Mental Health Ministry at Your Parish


If your parish currently doesn't have a mental health ministry, starting one can be a gift to your entire parish community. To get started you will need to understand the current need in your parish, identify what resources will be needed (including ministry team leaders), and gain support from your pastor.

Look at Nearby Parishes

Research what nearby parishes are doing to see if there is an opportunity to collaborate on a mental health ministry for the larger community.

Identify the Need

Look around your parish. What need isn't currently being met? Are people struggling with depression, loneliness, or addiction? To what extent?

Create a Plan

Once you understand the need and who you might be working with, outline what you would like to see happen in your parish and what resources you may need.

Talk to Your Pastor

Finally, take this research to your pastor. Present to him your plan and how he can support this new mental health ministry.

Mental Health Ministry Organizations

Are you looking to start a Mental Health Ministry at your parish? Consider checking out the the following organizations.

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