Meeting poverty face to face
by Anne Marie Cox | January 24, 2025
On Wednesday, we met poverty face to face.
We went to a small, poor school where the ceiling is literally caving in. No money to fix it.
We went to a school where one teacher has fourth through seventh grade. Imagine how hard he works to help each student succeed.
We met a daycare provider who was buying water from a mule cart. It’s expensive, not enough, and not hygenic. Oh, and she has just two toilets for her business and they don’t flush.
Finally, we went to an after-school feeding program. They ran out of game meat, so the children got one chicken foot, some pap (like grits), a spoonful of cabbage, and a hard boiled egg. For some of those kids, it was likely their only meal of the day.
But there is hope.
At the school where the ceiling is caving in, you could just see the wheels moving in the mind of our team member who owned a construction company. I’m betting that ceiling will be taken down for the safety of the children.
At the other school, Hy-Line International is partnering with Blessman International to run a test to see what difference an egg a day makes for a child. The headmaster of the school says she’s already seeing a tremendous difference. Hungry children can’t listen and learn. Now, they’re more alert and they’re doing better academically and attendance has greatly improved.
It was a joyous day at the daycare. Blessman International drilled a water well off to the side of its front yard. Charlotte, the owner, was so happy she wished she could dance in the spray that gushed out into the sky! It was Blessman’s 70th well. Dustin Blessman hopes that well can satisfy the needs of the whole neighborhood!

Some students had to walk far to the after school feeding program. They entered looking tired and like they were feeling kind of down. After their meal, they gathered in circles for lessons and laughter spread throughout the center. They grabbed their backpacks heading for home with a spring in their step and smiles in their faces.
At each stop, we found real poverty beyond what the mind can imagine. And yet, at each stop we found individuals offering hope. Drilling a well for one organization will bring new life to a whole community. Giving an egg a day to hungry children will help them succeed, which will positively affect who knows how many people down the road.
What I find interesting is that those bits of hope do not seem contained to the receiving person or organization. Hope seems to spread.
Our team has much to ponder. As one said, we have poor people in our own communities. We do, and I do help. Can I do more? We’ll see where the Spirit leads us. We’re encouraged in times of darkness to go to the light. Maybe we ought to be the light for others.