Marriage Preparation Course
Sts. John and Paul Parish in Altoona
Congratulations on your engagement, and thank you for considering attending our diocesan marriage preparation workshop! The workshop is entitled Invited to Joy, and it is a one day event in which couples will be invited into a deeper understanding of a sacramental marriage, and will be offered tools to help fill their marriage with the richness of joy that only Christ can offer.
The diocesan marriage preparation course will be offered from 9 am until 3 pm at Sts John and Paul Parish, 1401 1st Ave S, Altoona, IA 50009.
The course will offer instruction on the sacramentality of marriage, the meaning of our sexuality, Natural Family Planning, and keys to joyful marriages. Please feel free to contact John Gaffney with any questions, at 515-237-5026 or