New round of synodal listening sessions coming up

January 31, 2024

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The Vatican and the USCCB have requested all dioceses to hold a small number of listening sessions during this interim stage of the worldwide synodal process.  Our listening session plan will build on the initial work that was completed which identified the six pastoral priorities in our strategic vision. See the attached graphic to read about the six pastoral priorities of the Diocese of Des Moines.

Our outreach this Lent for the 90-minute session includes:

  • A general Zoom session for those wishing to participate
  • Youth session (in-person)
  • Young adult session (in-person)
  • Families (Zoom)
  • Hispanics (in-person or on Zoom)
  • Refugees (In-person)

The two questions to explore are:

  1. Based upon our six diocesan pastoral priorities, (participants will be given a graphic on our six strategic priorities) where do I see signs of growth?  Where do I see stagnancy or the Church falling behind? 
  2. Our mission is to help each baptized Christian to cultivate connections in Christ through encounter, friendship, and communion.  What is needed in your local community to make this Christian vision come alive?   

Contact John Gaffney with questions or if you would like to help with the process.