Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has died

December 31, 2022

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI died this morning, Saturday, Dec. 31, in his residence at the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery in the Vatican Gardens. Pope Francis will preside over the funeral Mass on Jan. 5 in St. Peter's Square.

Let us mourn together this tireless servant of God.

What are we likely to see in mourning the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI?

Here is what will be happening at the Vatican.

Locally, during a funeral Mass, we often see vestment colors of violent, white or black. It is customary for red vestments to be worn at a Mass for the Dead offered for a pope since we are mourning the death of the successor of the Apostle Peter.

Church bells may be tolled 95 times to mark the number of years of the retired pope's life.

The intention of the retired pope should be included in regularly scheduled Masses.

A memorial space could be established in an area of a church. it could include a candle, a picture of the retired pope, and perhaps a book where the faithful could write their intentions.

Black or violent bunting may be used to decorate the main exterior door of churches for several days.