A Pivotal Moment

This is a pivotal moment for the Diocese of Des Moines—a chance to invest in a sustainable future for every parish and family, our young people, our priests and those who serve in ministry within the Diocese. Current circumstances present not only a challenge but an opportunity to accomplish something extraordinary for our Catholic future—an endeavor powerful, inspiring, and bold.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who will be asked to support this campaign? |
Every household in the Diocese will be asked to participate with sacrificial gifts of time, talent and treasure. Further, each family will be able to choose a pledge plan that best suits their specific circumstance. While not everyone will be able to make the same commitment, all will be asked to make an equal sacrifice. Pledges may be fulfilled over a three-year period.
Who will lead the campaign? |
At each parish, pastors and the assigned campaign manager will recruit a core of parish volunteers who will help implement the campaign. Volunteers to be recruited include a campaign chair and campaign leadership committee members.
When will I be asked to support the campaign? |
Parishioners throughout the Diocese will participate when the campaign is implemented at their parish, which will happen in a series of overlapping in 2022 as follows:
Wave Timeline
Wave 1 January 2022 – June 2022
Wave 2 May 2022 – October 2022
Wave 3 August 2022 – December 2022
How will the Diocese determine the pledge amounts that families are asked to consider? |
Pledge amounts are based, in large part, on your previous generosity toward the Diocese of Des Moines, your history of parish support, and whether you participated in the planning study. The Stewardship Office certainly doesn’t know everyone’s financial situation, however, Bishop Joensen’s goal is to challenge every family to make a sacrificial gift. Please note, the suggested pledge amount is not an expectation. It is an invitation for each family to participate at a meaningful level. The Diocese will be grateful for any support you offer.
In view of the social and economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic, is now a good time to be conducting a capital campaign? |
Prior to the campaign, over 1,200 parishioners representing the entire Diocese participated in a planning study between August and November 2020. During that time there was more uncertainty surrounding the pandemic. Yet, 72% indicated that they would financially support a diocesan-wide campaign. The planning study also accounted for financial concerns and parishioners across the Diocese further indicated they were willing to offer financial support. Finally, following Center for Disease (CDC) guidelines, the Diocese has begun the process of easing restrictions on social interactions and by the time parish waves begin in January 2022, civic and liturgical life is expected to be closer to normal.
How are parish goals determined? |
A Clergy Committee comprised of 13 pastors from parishes throughout the Diocese was engaged to determine parish goals, which are based on 1.28 times the average annual offertory over the three previous years. A parish goal is not a mandate. Parishes will not be billed for the difference if they do not achieve their goal provided they put forth a good faith effort to reach the campaign goal.
How will the campaign affect parish offertory? |
Parish offertory should not be impacted by the campaign as parishioners will be asked to consider gifts over and above their regular parish giving.
How is the Annual Diocesan Appeal (ADA) different from this campaign? Will it continue? |
The ADA funds diocesan operations, ministries and programs. The Ignite! Campaign is an extraordinary effort that seeks gifts above and beyond the ADA and parish offertory to support the long term and visionary needs of the Diocese. The ADA will continue because suspending it during the campaign would eventually depress its performance, hindering the mission of the Diocese and, by extension, it would also negatively impact many parish families. Both efforts will be coordinated to avoid confusion and multiple mailings to parishioners.
Didn’t we just wrap up the Sharing God’s Gifts capital campaign? What did those funds go toward and what is their status? |
The Sharing God’s Gifts campaign began in August 2012 and ended in February 2014. The goal was $30 million, it had a five-year pledge period, and over $40 million was pledged. Sharing God’s Gifts helped fund support for seminarians and clergy including vocations and medical and pension programs, the maintenance of diocesan resources and facilities including the Catholic Pastoral Center, clergy residences, and the St. Thomas More Center, the strengthening of youth programs, Catholic school and religious education, and ministry outreach programs and services such as Hispanic ministry. In addition, the 80 active parishes in the Diocese shared in 50 percent of all funds collected ($18.5 million) from their parishioners for local projects including capital improvements, debt reduction or endowment building.
How can I make my gift? |
Parishioners will fill out pledge cards, physically or online, and may fulfill their pledges using a credit card, debit card or automatic withdrawal. The campaign also accepts gifts of stock and other non-liquid assets such as grain. Parishioners wishing to make such gifts should contact the Stewardship Office at 515-237-5079. As allowed by law, some gifts are tax deductible. For non–cash gifts, parishioners should consult with their financial advisor.
Can I give through Endow Iowa? |
Parishioners can maximize their giving by taking advantage of the Endow Iowa Tax Credit program. The Catholic Foundation of Southwest Iowa has partnered with The Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines, a qualified community foundation, to provide access to Endow Iowa Tax Credits. Endow Iowa allows taxpayers to receive a 25% Iowa tax credit in addition to normal federal charitable income tax deductions for certain charitable gifts. To use the Endow Iowa Tax Credit program to make a gift to the Ignite! Campaign, please contact the Stewardship Office at 515-237-5079.
Can I give through a donor-advised fund (DAF)? |
Yes, the Internal Revenue Code allows your donor-advised fund to make a grant in support of a non-binding commitment. And gifts toward the Ignite! Campaign are non-binding. As a general matter, consult with your tax advisor and contact the Stewardship Office at 515-237-5079 for additional information.
Can I designate my gift? |
There may be opportunities for parishioners to designate their gifts and honor their loved ones as well as possibilities for individuals and families to make planned gifts that go toward campaign initiatives of their choice. Parishioners will also have the option of designating a higher percentage of their gift to specific diocesan and/or parish share projects. For a gift to count toward a parish’s goal, gift designations to parish share projects may not exceed 50% of the donor’s gift.
Can my gift be used for anything other than its intended designation? |
Parishioners’ gift designations will be honored throughout the campaign. And except for gifts made through Endow Iowa, all campaign gifts will be protected through the Catholic Foundation of Southwest Iowa, a separate 501(c)(3) not for profit serving the Diocese of Des Moines. Further, the status of the Ignite! Campaign will be regularly communicated via the Catholic Mirror, Diocesan website and social media, and bulletin/pulpit announcements with information about campaign goals, projects, and fundraising progress.
Plant the Seeds of Faith

The IGNITE! Campaign honors the sacrifices of those who came before us by following their example and passing our faith on to future generations. We hope you will consider joining us in making our vision for the Catholic Church in Southwest Iowa a reality. Pledge today!