Office of the Chancellor

The chancellor of the Diocese of Des Moines is Jason KurthCanonically, the chancellor is the chief record keeper for the diocese. The chancellor assists the bishop and vicar general in the administration of the diocesan staff to promote professional and faithful service to God's people.

Visiting Clergy and Lay Presenters

In fulfilling our commitment to Article 13 of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, and to give every assurance possible to the Christian faithful living in the Diocese of Des Moines that any man presenting himself as an ordained minister of the Church is suitable for conducting sacramental ministry or teaching on matters of the Catholic faith and morals, the Diocese of Des Moines requires that any ordained bishop, priest, deacon, or religious from outside of the Diocese demonstrates good standing with the proper ecclesial authority (Diocese or religious community) before being allowed to conduct public ministry.

Any layperson from outside the Diocese that is sought to teach on topics of faith and morals at any parish, school, or other diocesan institution within our Diocese needs explicit diocesan approval.  Further details are in these guidelines

The following suitability forms may be used, in place of a letter of good standing, for visiting clergy and religious:

The following template may be provided to lay presenters upon request to aid their pastor in drafting a letter of recommendation:

Diocese of Des Moines Clergy - Requesting Letters of Suitability

As we expect visiting clergy to demonstrate suitability for ministry, so should we provide such assurance to other dioceses.  Clergy are expected to request a letter of good standing from the Diocese prior to conducting sacramental or pastoral ministry in another location.  Upon request, the Chancellor will provide a letter of suitability to the hosting diocese, and will carbon copy the local pastor (or other institutional leader) and the requesting clergy. You can now make your request online.


Jason Kurth

Native of Des Moines, Jason Kurth attended the University of Northern Iowa prior to four years discerning the priestly vocation. He discerned the lay vocation, and has been a professional lay ecclesial minister since 2006.  Earning a Master of Divinity degree and Master of Science in Church Administration, Jason first taught theology at Dowling Catholic High School and since 2009 has served the diocesan offices in various capacities. Since 2016, Jason has served as Chancellor and Coordinator of the Curia. He and his wife, Lindsay, have been married since 2008 and have four children.

To reach Jason Kurth, call 515-237-5039.