Social Justice Resources

Catholic Social Teaching is a core and indispensable facet of our Catholic faith, tracing its origins to the prophetic voices of the Hebrew scriptures and the ministry of Jesus Christ, who preached liberation for the oppressed and solidarity with the marginalized. This body of teaching emphasizes the inherent and essential dignity of all persons, rooted in  creation in the image of the Ever Living God and the redemptive act of Jesus Christ, affirming the value and respect owed to every member of the human community.

Catholic Social Teaching reflects the relational and communal essence of the Divine Trinity, highlighting our call to forge relationships grounded in love and justice. The teaching's focus on the poor and marginalized is integrally linked to the encounter with Christ in the Eucharist, fostering a spiritual conversion that compels us to act with love and justice towards all. Through this lens, Catholic Social Teaching invites us to view our social mission as an extension of our shared dignity and a call to live out the relational nature of our creation in the likeness of the Triune God.


Church documents foundational to Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Anthropology and Human Dignity


Community and Participation


Solidarity and Care for the Vulnerable

  • Brief introduction to Solidarity and Care for the Vulnerable
  • Writings
  • Videos
  • Websites


Stewardship of God's Creation


  • Brief Introduction to Stewardship of God's Creation
  • Writings
  • Videos
  • Websites




Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Des Moines

Catholic Relief Services

Catholic Campaign for Human Development

USCCB Action Center

USCCB Offices for Service