501 Kindergarten Entrance Age

504 Admissions

507 Home Schooling

510 Student Participation in School Program

513 Compulsory Attendance

516 Absences

519 Student Records, Accessibility and Confidentiality

521 Juvenile Justice Information Sharing

522 Custody and Records Access to Custodial and Non-Custodial Parent

522.1 Custody and Records Access to Custodial and Non-Custodial Parent

522.2 Custodial and Non-Custodial Information Form

525 Student Directory

525.1 Student Directory

528  Immunizations

531 Emergency Medical Authorization

531.1 Emergency Medical Treatment Authorization Form

534 Student Medication

534.1 Authorization and Permission for Administration of Medication

537 Communicable Diseases

540 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

543 Severe Student Allergies

543.1 Release and Indemnification Agreement

546 Asthma Medication Possession and Use

546.1 Release and Indemnification Agreement

549 Handbook

549.1 Student/Parent Handbook Signature Page

550 Grievance Procedure 

552 Citizenship

555 Student Rights and Responsibilities

558 Discipline and Student Accountability

561 Search

564 Weapons, Dangerous Objects and Look-a-Likes

567 Violent/Destructive/Seriously Disruptive Behavior

570 Controlled Substances

573 Out of School Behavior

576 Incident Involving Health and Safety

576.1 Incident Report Form

577 Brain Injuries

577.1 Concussion Management

578 Trampoline Use

579 Harassment, Bullying and Hazing

579.1 Complaint Procedure

579.2 Anti-Bullying Incident Report

579.3 Anti-Bulling Investigator Interview Notes

579.4 Anti-Bullying Investigator Follow-Up

582 Sexual Harassment and/or Abuse by Students

582.1 Alleged Sexual Harassment and/or Abuse by Students Report

582.2 Level-Two Investigation of Sexual Harassment and/or Abuse by Students

582.3 Retention of Investigation Records of Sexual Harassment and/or Abuse by Students

585 Acceptable Technology Use

585.1 Technology Use

585.2 Student Technology Acceptable Use Statement

588 Graduation Requirements and Ceremonies