Catechetical Services

Catechetical Services offers resources, professional development and guidance to the catechetical leaders in our parishes and schools.

Catechetical formation resources are:

  • CLADD -- Catechetical Leadership Association, a network for all parish catechetical leaders for professional development
  • Hispanic Catechetical Programming -- A lay formation program is underway with more than 40 participating. This is the third group to experience the yearlong formation. Together, we have 50 who have graduated and are now actively leading ministries for our Hispanic Catholics in parishes. For more information, contact Mayra Moriel de Banuelos.

The Rich Soil Catechetical Certification for

  • Catechists
  • Youth Ministry volunteers
  • Sacramental preparation

How will this process help me?

You will increase your confidence in the knowledge you have of what the Church teaches and what we are called to become as members. You will be better able to “think on your feet” and share your knowledge, experience and understanding of God, the Church, living our faith and our Catholic spirituality. Formation towards Catechetical certification is a process of adult faith formation which allows you to grow deeper in your faith. The relationships you will make during this process will allow you opportunities for continued dialogue and sharing, long after the formal sessions are complete. The formation process will help you blend information with formation so that your sessions lead to transformation. Faith is more often caught than taught, so being an effective witness is essential.

Download the Certification Brochure and the Registration Form.


Contact John Gaffney at 515-237-5026.