Faith Formation Programs 

 Individual parishes will work with families to meet adaptive religious education opportunities.

Parish youth and teen/young adult self contained classroom programs in the diocese

Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation Class at Corpus Christi parish in Council Bluffs 

We offer sacramental preparation for students with special needs. Working with the Faith Formation office, we assist parents and caregivers by providing class sessions for the reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist with resources for education at home as well.  No one is denied sacraments based on their situation. We are happy to work with everyone based on their abilities.

Circle of Saints 

Faith Formation group at St.  Theresa's.  Contact Megs Howes for additional information 279-4654 ext. 306

All Ages Faith Formation programs

Adapted Faith Formation Lessons produced by the NCPD Council on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.  These are lessons to use in formal programs or by families in their own homes as a domestic church.

RISE and Sonshine Kids at Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart

 RISE is an inclusive ministry that combines both teens and young adults in a fun, friendly, and energetic environment.  Its focus is on inclusivity, service, and social experiences and slightly different from classroom formation we often identify as SPRED.  RISE stands for Reaching Inclusion through Service and Experience.  Its purpose is to provide young adults and teens with or without disabilities the opportunity to grow in friendship while engaging in service and social activities.  

RISE meets on the third Tuesday of the month, from 6:30pm-8pm.  All Gatherings are held in the gym or youth room.   Registration is requested, and inquiries can be directed to Mary Sankey at or 515-964-3038 ext. 118.  Please visit the OLIH special needs webpage and click on “RISE-sign-up” to register.  The cost is free, and open to all denominations.  We simply ask that you respect the Catholic Faith, our members, and facility while at Our Lady’s. 

Sonshine Kids is a special needs ministry group for children under the age of 12.  This group meets once a month from October to April.  Holiday and Valentine Respite events are offered to provide parents time for holiday preparation and self-care.

Additional details on days and activities for RISE and Sunshine Kids.

St. Catherine of Sienna Catholic Parish and Student Center in Des Moines

Provides several faith formation and social opportunities at their parish for the Catholic Deaf Community including weekly Bible study and every two weeks you can participate in a Saint Movie and discussion and Quilting Queens social group.


For additional information contact Patty Origer, Persons with Disability Ministry Coordinator,  phone 515-237-5073.