Safe Environment
The Safe Environment process for employees and volunteers is an important part of working with the Diocese of Des Moines, its parishes, schools and our other Catholic organizations. It is made up of three components: VIRTUS® training, background screening and acknowledgement that you have reviewed our Code of Conduct. Completing all three of these requirements can now be done online at
VIRTUS®: "Protecting God's Children"
VIRTUS® "Protecting God’s Children" is a program for protecting children from child sexual abuse. The program consists of many components. The education component helps prevent child sexual abuse by first making every adult employee and volunteer aware of the issues surrounding child sexual abuse. This includes awareness of the many ways that sexual abuse harms its victims, their families, the parish, and the community. The awareness session also helps adults learn to recognize the warning signs of abuse and shows them the appropriate way to respond to suspicious behavior. Finally, the awareness session empowers each person with five steps to help prevent child sexual abuse.
What is VIRTUS®? |
The word "virtus" derives from Latin, and means valor, moral strength, excellence, and worth. In ancient times, virtus denoted a way of live and manner of behavior that always aspired to the highest, most positive attributes of people and aspects of human interaction.
VIRTUS is the brand name that identifies best practices programs designed to help prevent wrongdoing and promote “rightdoing” within religions organizations. The VIRTUS programs empower organizations and people to better control risk and improve the lives of all those who interact with the Church.
Content taken from "VIRTUS® Online". Please visit for more information.
Who created the VIRTUS® programs? |
The National Catholic Risk Retention Group, Inc. created the VIRTUS® programs. Monsignor Kevin McCoy, past board chairman of National Catholic, asked whether child sexual abuse could be prevented, and if so, how? In March of 1998, National Catholic invited prominent national experts—experts in many disciplines—to discuss these questions at a forum in Washington, D.C. From those discussions, the initiative for the VIRTUS® programs was created. The National Catholic Board of Directors selected an Ad Hoc Committee to oversee development of the programs. The Ad Hoc Committee was assisted by a steering committee of nationally known experts and program service providers.
Content taken from VIRTUS website. Please visit for more information.
Online Training Instructions |
VIRTUS® training is now available online at
- Before completing "Protecting God’s Children" training online (or attending a live session), all participants must first register with VIRTUS® Online.
- For those who do not already have a VIRTUS® Online, account, a code is required to register. The parish, school or organization that you will be serving will provide you with this code.
- Instructions for registering will be provided and can also be found here in English and Spanish.
Background Screening
As Christian adults, we have a moral and legal responsibility and are entrusted by God with the spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being of children and adults. As they participate in activities within or sponsored by our diocese, schools or parishes, it is our responsibility and commitment to provide an environment which is safe and nurturing.
Because of the gravely serious nature of allegations of abuse and sexual misconduct by Church personnel, it is important that all personnel be informed about diocesan policy on performing background checks, how we are working to prevent abuse, and the procedures that are followed when reports of abuse or sexual misconduct by Church personnel are received.
Who Needs a Background Check? |
Background screening will include (but may not be limited to) the following people within the diocese:
- All priests, deacons, and candidates for ordination.
- Chancery administrative and professional staff.
- All Catholic Charities staff, including Catholic Charities volunteers who have regular (i.e., three or more hours each month) contact with minors.
- All Catholic Charities shelter employees and volunteers, with the exception of volunteer shelter meal providers.
- All other paid staff members who have regular (i.e., three or more hours each month) contact with minors.
- All coaches and volunteers who have regular (i.e., three or more hours each month) contact with minors, senior citizens, persons who habitually lack the use of reason and developmentally disabled people of the parishes and schools, including, but not limited to, volunteers in programs such as religious education, youth ministry, various youth sporting and camping activities, et cetera.
- Note: One-time volunteers will not be subject to the VIRTUS or background screening requirements unless they participate in an overnight retreat or trip with youth. Contract employees, such as lawn mowing services, temporary office help, et cetera, are not required to be screened. However, it is recommended that parishes and schools check with contract companies to learn more about their screening practices.
You may reference this matrix table to confirm which screenings a volunteer or employee will be required to have.
All current staff and potential employees, as well as volunteers who have regular (i.e., three hours or more per month) contact with children will also undergo a Child Abuse Registry Check through the Iowa Department of Human Services.
What Information Will Be Checked |
Background checks ordered by the diocese will check criminal history as well as the Iowa Child Abuse Registry. A credit check is NOT part of the normal screening process.
Disqualifying Offenses
No person may serve with youth, children or the elderly who has ever been convicted of any disqualifying offense, been on probation or received deferred adjudication for any disqualifying offense or has presently pending any criminal charges of any disqualifying offense before a determination of guilt is made including any person who is presently on deferred adjudication.
Disqualifying offenses are as follows, but not limited to:
- A felony or misdemeanor classified as an offense against the person or family or involves an offense against the person or family. Offenses against the person include, but are not limited to: murder, assault, sexual assault, injury to a child, and abandoning or intentionally or recklessly endangering a child.
- Offenses against the family include, but are not limited to bigamy, incest, and interference with child custody, enticing a child, and harboring a runaway child.
- A felony or misdemeanor classified as an offense against public order or indecency. Offenses against public order or indecency include, but are not limited to prostitution, obscenity, sexual performance by a child, possession or promotion of child pornography, and disorderly conduct.
- A felony or misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment of more than six months constituting a violation of any law intended to control the possession or distribution of any substance considered a controlled substance.
Arrest leading to convictions for driving while intoxicated is NOT necessarily a disqualifying offense for employment or volunteering, but it may disqualify someone from driving a school bus, church vehicle or any other vehicle on church sponsored activities or events.
Background Screening Process and Code of Conduct
A background screening along with receipt and acknowledgement of our "Code of Conduct" is now administered through VIRTUS® Online. For those who do not already have a VIRTUS® Online account, a code is required to register. The parish, school or organization that you will be serving will provide you with this code. Instructions for creating an account are available in English and Spanish.
Local Safe Environment Administrator: This video includes the instructions for managing the automated process.